Customer Testimonials

Providing IT support and solution to small and medium businesses. Servicing Edinburgh, Livingston, Fife and surrounding areas. Responsive, Flexible, Professional and friendly local support.

Client Testimonials

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:
Every ticket we do we survey our clients on thier satisfaction. From Time to time they give us some lovely comments. These are some of their comments.

Very helpful and patient!

Ticket #94350

A**** is the best!!!! Always willing to assist and resolves issues without hassle. Thank you A****… my Knight in Shining Armour M****, MALTA

Ticket #94352

Very helpful and lovely

John Doe

S**** helped to fix not only my issue with Sage but also helped to re-download the 3CX app which will now make it easier to work between two desks.

Ticket #62239

A******* was very helpful and resolved the technical issue I was having with Sage and Outlook while making it easier for me to use.

Ticket #62178

S****** is very friendly & efficient. He explains things well.

Ticket #61975

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